Our services



What we do

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Cooling tower cleaning

We Prevent sediment or algae from collecting in the water basin by flushing it out through the tower drain every two to three weeks. We stop scale buildup on the surface of the cooling tower. We clear debris from the air outlet and inlets. We check the belt drive system and oil level per manufacturer specifications

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Flow rate of the water

From water consumption metering and influent and effluent water monitoring to chemical treatment dosing and municipal network load monitoring, our flow measurement solutions offer the highest accuracy and reliability needed to manage your water treatment operations.

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Structure repair

With locations nationwide and in select international markets, Techsutra Engineering is recognized as the industry leader in developing innovative repair solutions to the most challenging infrastructure problems – with a reputation for quality , client satisfaction, and efficient project delivery.

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Reduce running costs

If applied judiciously Value methodology easily produces savings of 30 percent of the estimated cost for manufacturing a product, constructing a project or providing a service. The return on investment that public and private organizations derive from implementing VM programs averages 10 to 1.

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Ensure the load stress

Load testing is testing how an product performs when in use under an expected load. We intentionally increase the load, searching for a threshold for good performance. This tests how a system functions when it faces normal load.

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Check up on the blades or fan of the tower

Check up on the blades or fan of the tower, if needed to be replaced then it will be done free if it is in the warranty period. Every industry look for the best services for their company, for increasing their production rate, and that’s what we provide here.


Core features

Build Services For Developers

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Routine Servicing

Routine servicing performed by one of our trained technicians will ensure that you get the maximum energy out of your power station.

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Routine Checkups

Check up on the blades or fan of the tower, if needed to be replaced then it will be done free if it is in the warranty period.